Wednesday, January 5, 2011

The good length area on a cricket pitch

The good length the best place is out a batsman to get the ball to to both pitch, as well as running to keep. We've all seen pitch cards in matches, where the most economical bowlers land most of their balls in the good length zone.

The good length zone is a square area about 3 feet by 3 feet. It is about 8 meters away from the batsman is where. The spot changes for each batsman depending on where he stands at the fold and how well it its reach. A great player will have a little further down the pitch as a short batsman a good length on site.

Highlights of the spot of good length

The batsman is in two minds when the ball will be added. He may not easily go back to foot or front foot and as a result usually defended the ball.
Each cricket sets usually assuming bowler of good length on the spot is taken. As a result, all shots have played to go this length to a fielder and to run a good chance.
Because the batsman is usually undecided whether you go the front foot or rear foot, a good chance a shot into the air, result in a wicket will be played. This is especially true when the spinner are bowling.
The area is also prone to wear at risk from the Kegler runs up and down the pitch repeatedly. This leads to always rougher and more difficult as the game goes in the bat. This applies particularly in the longer version of the game.

It is important for aspiring bowlers that you your coach, where the good areas in Bowl and practice landing the ball it for best results.

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Nick Stevens

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