Saturday, January 1, 2011

What does it take to be a cricket coach?

A successful cricket coach must first passionate about the game and must be in a good position to promote and to other trainers. Cricket tradition and values should be taught in addition to the technical aspects of the game. Sport and pleasure, social benefits involved, it is important to recognize and fitness benefits that may arise. Winning is not everything and this is especially true when children cricket coaching. Here we discuss the skills that make up a successful coach.

A management role can be regarded Organizer - the role of the coach and organization plays a key role. Training and games must be planned venues booked equipment prepared and informed players/parents need what and when.

Risk assessor - it is important that a coach assessments before each meeting performs highlighting potential hazards and describe the proposed safety measures.

Communicator - a coach must be able to their observations to a player with their proposed solution to a problem. If the players know exactly what you do wrong, you stand a better chance to improve. The trainer should be able to communicate effectively with people of all backgrounds and age groups. Consultation is often used if coaching, requires children, that the player thinks about your own technique and suggest ways that it could be improved.

Consultants - coaches will be dealing with people from different backgrounds. Often player switches to a trainer for advice and it is important emotional needs in addition to your technical requirements dealing learns with a player the coach.

First aider - all trainers should be appropriately trained in basic first aid and CPR. Cricket may a dangerous game and the coach must be on any accidents resulting prepared. It is useful to know if players are suffering from any medical conditions, this is not necessarily exclude a player to play the game, but will make aware trainer of specific requirements. A coach should also reasonable steps to avoid sports injuries by heating and cooling, taking players before and after a session.

Motivator - should a coach able to motivate yourself to the time and effort, which require. You have to can motivate the player situations during the training sessions and in accordance.

Example - this is especially true when children cricket coaching. Children look up to her coach and will follow your example. It is important that the coach is in such conduct, a sets good example for the players.

Hi Daniel Maddocks here, this is a little taste, what can be found in my blog -

I am a governing qualified cricket coach with experience in coaching young cricketer and manage young pages. I am also active in cricket coaching children in schools in the North West. I hope you find the information on this website useful and don't forget to join my newsletter.

All the best


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