Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Zimbabwe cricket players - Andy Whittall

As a weak test play cricket nation Zimbabwe have a huge pool of talent available. This could explain as an Underachiever like Andrew (Andy) Whittall manages to play 73 matches for Zimbabwe. Andy's were so unobtrusive posts especially when test level, he was best known as the cousin of the guy Whittall. In fact, overshadowed usually Andy's posts on Zimbabwe cricket as an off break bowler his relatively more illustrious relative.

Andy Whittall 28 born in Manicaland, Zimbabwe, March, 1973. He brought nicknamed 'Structure' because of its high, imposing framework.Andy also had the honour, his country to represent before he played hatte.jedoch cover even a first-class match in his native Zimbabwe's characters, that he available could have used extra practice.

Although his batting statistics at international level were scored two first class half centuries, Andy, what only as "cricket poverty" be. Andy's numbers refuted as an off spinner that could be a little bat described his role as a lower-order batsman. Its low batting strike prices in international cricket suggest that he runs his lean total in a pedestrian zone accumulated fashion was often painful to the cricket audience.

Andy Whittall was primarily an off spinner, although you don't guess would after checking his stats.The test level was Andy Whittall bowling's feed for batter and extremely charitable to world-class Batsman.Ironischerweise he played most of his 10 test matches against teams from the Asian subcontinent. Teams that are known for playing spin with aplomb. That could explain why Andy wicket-less went in 75% of the test innings in which he rolled.

A day internationals bowler he was far more useful, but still not wirksam.Von 63 until he took only 45 wickets in a generous average of 50.02. However, he was not wickets in up to, but to restrict took the scoring at one end.Andy did about, per this somewhat effective 4.37 runs as its economy ODI bowling economy rate suggests.In fact, Andy admitted only more than 5 runs per over 18 of a total of 62 ODI innings in which he rolled.

The emergence of other talented players Andy Whittall's restricted something little international cricket career.He played his last test match in 1999 and its final test in 2000 when he was only 27 years old war.Obwohl his batting hardly useful and his bowling Andy's economic slow bowling allowed uncomplicated, it contribute to Zimbabwe ODI were Fortunes.Nach of his playing days, he pursued a successful career in sports marketing.

Darrell Victor is a freelance writer and cricket enthusiast from the Caribbean. for articles on West Indies Cricket, read: reasons for the decline of the West Indies cricket: .Ein West Indian perspective on test cricket:

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